
Yoga Sutra (English)
Contributed by: Tapan K Sarma(তপন কুমাৰ শৰ্মা) on 2015-10-22
1. (Abstract Noun) The Yoga school, as expounded by Patanjali in his 2nd Century B.C. Yoga Sutras, accepts the Samkhya psychology and metaphysics, but is more theistic, with the addition of a divine entity to Samkhya`s twenty-five elements of reality. The relatively brief Yoga Sutras are divided into eight ashtanga (limbs), reminiscent of Buddhism`s Noble Eightfold Path, the goal being to quiet one`s mind and achieve kaivalya (solitariness or detachment). ভাৰতীয় আস্তিক দৰ্শনক ছটা ভাগত ভগোৱা হৈছে, ক্ৰমে- ন্যায়, বৈশেষিক, সাংখ্য, যোগ, পূৰ্ব মীমাংসা আৰু উত্তৰ মীমাংসা বা বেদান্ত দৰ্শন৷